Honestly, I wish I had time to post everyday. Life is so full that I want to document every beautiful moment and every shred of insight I get from each new experience. But I suppose if I had the choice I would choose living a life so full that those moments I have to soak it in are precious rather than having all the time in the world to write. Everyday requires much from me: many responsibilities, a lot of work, various important decisions, making the time to magnify and serve others through my calling, and simply trying to manage my time in order to get the bare minimum of sleep I need to function. This, to most, sounds like my day to day life is hectic, stressful, and is not one to be envied. Though my daily "to-do" list is not a proper reflection of all the small miracles that make me the happiest girl you could meet.
While I am a busy girl my days are also busy spending time with the most spectacular people who effortlessly put a smile on my face, make me laugh until I can feel my (non-existent but getting there) abdominal muscles, uplift me, and warm my heart. I am surrounded by such talented, kind, generous, and spiritual people. They not only make me want to be a better person but they make me believe that I can be. What more can you ask for? This year I can honestly say has been the happiest year of my life and already I feel like I have grown immensely as a person. So much so, that I have been branching out, trying new things, and even facing fears. Besides getting a front flip (off a trampoline, don't be too impressed), and attempting a back flip into a foam pit among other things, I also did the impossible; I sang in front of a crowd of people.
Last night I put on a talent show for my ward. I went around, signed people up against their will, and hassled everyone to make it. Luckily, the members of my ward, either out of fear or respect, signed up for the momentous night. Never have I been so impressed nor laughed so hard at a talent show in my life. The talent in my ward was not the only spectacular thing, but there was also so much love and this great level of comfort we all have with one another. Talent after talent we laughed and cheered for the various acts until it came to me. I was the last act, the finale, the ending note to what had been a flawless show. With the support of my ward members, the threats of my roommates, and the help of a very special person I went on stage and did what I thought I was incapable of doing. I ended up singing "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry while Brinton played the piano and sang along side me. I stood up when I was done, took a bow, and ended the show. Relief flooded over me knowing that not only was the talent show over, and it had been a success, but I had faced my fears and had felt empowered. Certain people come into your life to bring you happiness, guide you on your way, and help you to become a better person. I feel so blessed to have so many of these people apart of my life.
I am hoping to put up the video of my performance on my blog relatively soon. That is, unless I watch it and deem it to be completely unbearable to watch. I sure hope not! Anyhow, I just wanted to note that I am getting better at writing shorter blog posts (starting with this one) and have already been fairly consistent with how often I write. Check those off my New Year's resolutions! Hope you all are making the most out of your lives and seeing the beauty in each day. Keep that smile on your face and you will see it spread! Over and out...
I hadn't meant to highlight that one sentence, but after seeing it while previewing the post it just seemed appropriate.